Автор Тема: Внимание скидки!!!  (Прочитано 22397 раз)

Оффлайн Pavel

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Внимание скидки!!!
« : Апреля 21, 2015, 08:00:12 pm »
Только до 1-го мая снижена цена на все оборудование на 15-20%. Пишите, звоните (495)232-29-03

Оффлайн Fesicop1

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Re: Внимание скидки!!!
« Ответ #1 : Июня 10, 2024, 11:57:30 am »
It is now possible to play many of our papa's games sans flash. You won't find more thrilling management games than these. Papa Louie's pizza, salad, and taco stalls, as well as his bakeries and sandwich businesses, are all here. You have the option of creating your own character from the ground up or selecting an employee from the provided list. Make the fast food expert appear like you, or make them look really insane. Whoever it is, they must have lightning-fast reflexes! At the moment, we are focusing on ensuring that none of Papa's Games require Flash.